News Further Information about CRUDE OIL PAINTING Ladies and Gentlemen! Since 26th October 2001, I have been planning a course of action which will hopefully lead to the takeover the BP Group for aesthetic reasons. British Petroleum is a public limited company which maintains several oil drilling facilities in the North Sea and is also heavily involved in the worldwide trade in crude oil and oil products. You too have almost certainly bought petrol from BP. My complex and indeed difficult takeover plans were conceived during my annual holiday in the summer of 2001 in the resort of Julianadoorp in the Netherlands. While building sandcastles together with my daughter, I came upon several pieces of a black, slippery, tar-like substance, which upon inspection, turned out to be washed up oil residues. These had the tendency to stick to one's feet, in particular between the toes, under the great heat of the summer sun. It was then that I decided, for ecological reasons, to collect this waste oil in a plastic bag.
Permanent Office c/o Ruppe
Koselleck +49 - 173.8360238
photo: Frank Biermann
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